The story of Jonah and the whale is often trotted out as a prime example of one of the most absurd stories in the entire Bible. Atheists in particular, when looking to point out the absurdity of believing events in the Bible to have really happened, are likely to pull out this story.
We all know the story of Jonah and the whale.
A prophet named Jonah is sailing the seas when his entire ship is swallowed whole by an enormous whale. Jonah lives inside the whale's stomach, floating on the remains of his ship in a little pool of acidic water, for three days and three nights. Finally, sensing he is near land, Jonah sets all the wreckage of swallowed boats on fire, creating so much smoke that the giant whale vomits out Jonah who sails away to safety on a small wooden raft. And in this way, God saved Jonah from the whale.We all know that story, because that's Disney's Pinocchio.
That is not the story of Jonah and the whale.