Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Berenstein Bears: We Are Living in Our Own Parallel Universe

if only facebook would make this the preview photoWhen I was growing up, all through elementary school we would watch movies and read books about the Berenstein Bears.  I still even remember the theme song for the TV show, mostly, which wasn't a song so much as a guy in a gruff bear voice speaking in rhyming couplets.  If you don't know who the Berenstein Bears are, they were nuclear family of anthropomorphic bears who lived in a tree out in Bear Country and had family-based situational comedy and taught life lessons.  And Ma Bear always wore a blue shower cap.

These bears appeared in a series of children books by the married Stan and Jan Berenstein, that later became a TV series, that got beamed to 3rd grade classrooms all over the country.  Anyone between the ages of 23-30, and maybe more, will know who the Berenstein Bears are.  And they will remember the flashy cursive bubble-letters on the front of every single book and in the opening credits of the show.  The bubble letters that spelled out "Berenstein Bears".

About a year ago, Jan Berenstein passed on, as had Stan some time before.  And appearing in headlines across the internet, I saw "Jan Berenstain Dies at 88".


They misspelled her name.  In her obituary.  Gosh, that's really just morbidly embarrassing.  "Berenstain" doesn't even make sense.
When I caught this, I decided to send a correction about the article title.  Jan Berenstein's bears were a huge part of my childhood, I owe her at least this.  Except when I went to the internet to find a source for the name change correction, it turns out everyone has misspelled their name.  And everyone has always misspelled her name.

And then I saw the book covers.  The ones in the squiggly bubble letters from the childhood.  The ones I saw a hundred times a month from the formative ages of 5 to 9.  The ones that every 20-something in the world will tell you read "Berenstein Bears".

Except they don't read "Berenstein".  They read "Berenstain".

They all say it.  At first I thought they had changed their name.  Maybe anti-semitic pressure lead them to spell their name differently?  And then maybe they doctored the images of the cover to turn the original "e" in to an "a".  Except as I read, I learned about people equally as shocked as I am, who ran to their parents house and dug up their own copies of the books and saw, to their own great terror, that the physical book itself no longer says "BerenstEin", but in fact says "BerenstAin", but more horrifying still is that it has always said "BerenstAin".
Stop the lies!

Here's the thing.  These books play such a huge role in the collective memories of so many people, all of whom clearly and distinctly remember "BerenstEin", that I am not the first to propose the notion that somehow, at some time in the last 10 years or so, reality has been tampered with and history has been retroactively changed.  The bears really were called the "BerenstEin Bears" when we were growing up, but now reality has been altered such that the name of the bears has been changed post hoc.

In 1992 they were "stEin" in 1992, but in 2012 they were "stAin" in 1992.

Some explanations have been proposed.  One person suggested a change due to time travel, similar to "A Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury.  It's an interesting theory, and I admire it for its simplicity, but it is flawed.  Time travel doesn't actually work that way, and if someone had "stepped on a butterfly", it would not impact the future because they had already stepped on the butterfly before they left for the past; history has to be consistent.

I would like to make a modest proposal: We are all living in our own parallel universe.

There is at least one other universe parallel to our own.  I will distinguish the two by the stEin universe and the stAin universe, depending on the surname of the creators of the famous children's book.  The stEin universe was the world we resided in during the 1990s.  Sometime after we all stopped reading kids books, that is when we were shifted in to the stAin universe.  There may be more differences than just the surname of the Berenst_ins, in fact there almost certainly are more differences, and we just need to find them.

Like, maybe, body-building Carrot Top
I have been turning this over in my mind since I first heard of it.  Here is how I think this works.

Imaginary numbers are very familiar to the physicist, who uses them constantly in everything.  They probably aren't as familiar to non-physicists, who maybe learned them in high school, but then only as some abstract mathematical formality that was kind of neat but didn't really mean anything.  So as a graduate student of physics, let me assure you that imaginary numbers aren't just abstract, but have a solid physical meaning, and are crucially important in describing the physical behavior of a number of systems, most importantly quantum mechanics.

If complex numbers seem "unreal", it is chiefly because the 3 dimensional space of the universe excludes them.

A point in this plane is a complex number.
Each direction and time is its own plane.
I propose that the universe is a 4-dimensional complex manifold.  If you don't se habla math jargon, that means I propose the 3 space dimensions and the 1 time dimensions are actually in themselves complex, meaning they take values of the form a+ib, part "real" and part "imaginary".  Within this 4D manifold, there are sixteen hexadectants (like quadrants, but 16 of them), corresponding to whether we consider only the real or imaginary part of each of the four dimensions.  In our particular hexadectant, the three space dimensions are real, and the time dimension is imaginary.

(Edit: I wrote a longer explanation of what I'm trying to explain.  It does not involve time travel, quantum mechanics, or the many-worlds hypothesis.)

If the above sounds weird to you, please remember that the original proposal of special relativity by Einstein and Minkowski (and others) explicitly treated time as a strictly imaginary coordinate in pseudo-Euclidean space.  It is only modern formulations that have turned to Minkowski space with signed metric tensors.  Also, imaginary time dimensions show up again in quantum field theory to relate quantum path integrals to statistical mechanical path integrals, this done by means of a Wick rotation.

So the concept isn't foreign to physics, was used early on to help get special relativity started, and has shown up since to help quantum field theory to calculate things.

Within this complex spacetime, all mass is shared, and also wave functions of particles are shared, so that effects can leak between them.  This may account for dark matter and dark energy.  Because the imaginary coordinates in a plane wave will turn it in to a decaying function (e^ik(ix) = e^(-kx), which goes to zero as x increases), mostly particles hang out in their own hexadectant and don't leak out.

I further propose that the stEin and the stAin universes are actually just different hexadectants of the same universe: in the stEin universe, all three spatial dimensions are real and time is imaginary; in the stAin universe, all three spatial dimensions are imaginary and time is real.  Of course, from the standpoint of stEin/stAin this won't produce any mathematically significant difference; it's the same as choosing (+++-) or (---+) convention for Minkowski space, which at the end doesn't alter predictions or measurements.  We'd never know if we did swap.

Given the weak interaction of particles between these hexadectants, stEin and stAin both evolved in time along similar lines, staying very close to one another.  Jan and Stan decided to write kids books about bears in both, for instance.  But there have also been differences; like some 16th century scribe accidentally spilled some ink on a census page, changing "Berenstein" to "Berenstain" on accident, and they just left it that way.

Somehow, we have all undergone a π/2 phase change in all 4 dimensions so that we moved to the stAin hexadectant, while our counterparts moved to our hexadectant (stEin).  They are standing around expressing their confusion about the "Berenstein Bears" and how they all remember "Berenstain Bears" on the covers growing up.

I would like to point out, this has nothing to do with the popular and similar theories of the quantum many-worlds hypothesis, nor the cosmological multiverse.  It's a different thing, meant to explain our transfer to the world and the similarities.

That's what I think happened, and I'm sticking to it.

P.S.  This post has gotten a lot of attention in recent months.  I've seen a lot of what he internet has to say about the incident, and have written a post trying to combine a lot of the wisdom from other forums, including photographic evidences, in to a summary post.  I suggest that those curious check it out, and especially the links included there.  The summary post can be found here.

P.P.S. Due to some limitations to blogger, new comments do not seem to be displaying correctly.  If your comment does not appear here, I suggest leaving it on the follow-up post.  I apologize for this and wish they could all be shown here, but it is out of my hands. 

I am shutting down comments on this post to prevent further confusion, as people keep double-posting when they don't see their comment appear.  Blogger will not accept more comments on this post.  I wish this wasn't a problem, as a number of the recent ones have had some great insights.  Please post your comment on the follow-up summary mentioned above.

PPPS I think I figured out what was wrong with comments.  Not sure if me, or the website is fixed, but the most recent comments now appear below. (2017/12/05)


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Riley and Jonni said...

I am still processing the fact that you thought Mama Bear wore a blue shower cap.

Riley and Jonni said...

I am still processing the fact that you thought Mama Bear wore a blue shower cap.

Anonymous said...

That's weird... because I had also always though dilemma was dilemna, and I'm a damn good speller... but then one day, I learned I was wrong and was shocked.

Anonymous said...

Apparently the shift happened between April and August of 2001 (same year as 9/11).

More info in video here:

Unknown said...

Berenstain. Always. Remember distinctly because I am old enough to have been working as a proofreader at the time. Had a young niece with the books. Berenstain.

Anonymous said...

I spoke with a friend tonight at work about this and his opinion was this:
That this whole issue is a C.I.A.psyops and that it was always spelled "...stain" and that the CIA is just seeing if they can convince people that their minds remember it spelled "...stein"when in actuality they were seeing "...stain" all along.

I looked on ebay tonight for some older original issue Berenstein books and found one from 1968 that sure enough said Stan and Jan Berenstain on the cover.

I personally find it hard to believe that sooo many people(including myself) remember seeing it written as Berenstein for it not to be true and that in reality it was actually spelled Berenstain.
That is really hard to accept.

Anonymous said...

Great catch
I wish the photos of the book covers were clearer

Pegathee said...

I remember thinking the same thing. I'm sure those pronunciations never would have crossed our minds if it was spelled with an stain!!!

Anonymous said...

I wrote and published a short story about featuring the BerenstEin name change. I won't be tacky and link it here, but I was wondering if I could send it to you and if you liked it (or hated it) mention it?

Anonymous said...

The Bearenstain /Bearenstein controversy arise from our brains ability to recognize words that we know based on their shapes not just there lay out of characters. A good explanation can be found on Live titled Why Yuor Barin Can Raed Tihs The title says it all. We are simply talking about switching ai to ie and most of the Bearenstain lettering is in cartoon cursive where the letters sort of melt together anyway. I for one found the Bearenstein spelling more correct when first examining this story. I think I am amongst the majority of the population that perceived the Stien spelling through Nuro linguistic auto correct. The correct pronunciation of Bearenstain is StEEn very similar to stein. IF you heard the word pronounced stein you would perceive the word stein even if the letters were slightly jumbled

The books are another story. Bearenstain Baears aren’t the kind of books that you read. They are the kind of books that are read to you. If you actually know how to read you don’t waist you time on stories about brother and sister Bear. When a child has a book read to them it is usually done by an authority figure teacher, parent ect. Parents and teachers would not be immune from nuro- linguistic auto correct some would simply perceive the name as Bearenstein and teach it as such.

The Parents who did not fall into this nuro-linguistic trap were left with the difficulty of pronouncing Bearenstain taking into account the minds abilty to jumble letter it is easy to understand Bearenstain as an alternate spelling of Bernstien or Bearenstein. A parent or teacher would not pronounce the name Stain. We all know what a stain is and calling someone named Goldstein GoldstAIn would be offensive. There would be nothing worse than little jimmy going down to the sandlot and calling little Jacob a Jew stain. Parents and teachers pronouncing the name Bear-en-STAIN is an impossibility.
There may have been clever parents that pronounced the name correctly STEEN but this in a child mind this is going to sound a lot closer to stein than stain and the affect would be the same. The child hears the stein StEEn pronunciation from an authority figure and accepts it as correct. A child or adult for that matter does not really read the entire word Bearenstain he simply accepts that arrangement of characters as the word pronounced Bear-en-stEEn.

If the spelling were really Bearenstain wouldn’t there be Stain jokes associated the Bearenstain Bears? The Simpsons parody the Berrystained Bears is just such a joke. The Simpson’s website makes the misspelling Bearenstein when attributing the parody but this doesn’t prove anything. Either the authors of the site made the same mistake that countless other people have made in spelling or perceiving the word Bearenstain, or as I belive they were aware of the Nuro-linguistic glitch and were making a clever joke about it. The credit is misspelled, but in the way that most people perceive it to be spelled and the Parody is more or less spelled correctly and is an anti-Semitic zinger. How would Matt Groning come up with the Berrystained Bears if the book was spelled Bearenstein.

Don’t believe everything you think. Nerdwithturds

Anonymous said...

The Bearenstain /Bearenstein controversy arise from our brains ability to recognize words that we know based on their shapes not just there lay out of characters. A good explanation can be found on Live titled Why Yuor Barin Can Raed Tihs The title says it all. We are simply talking about switching ai to ie and most of the Bearenstain lettering is in cartoon cursive where the letters sort of melt together anyway. I for one found the Bearenstein spelling more correct when first examining this story. I think I am amongst the majority of the population that perceived the Stien spelling through Nuro linguistic auto correct. The correct pronunciation of Bearenstain is StEEn very similar to stein. IF you heard the word pronounced stein you would perceive the word stein even if the letters were slightly jumbled

The Bearenstain Baears aren’t the kind of books that you read. They are the kind of books that are read to you. If you actually know how to read you don’t waist you time on stories about brother and sister Bear. When a child has a book read to them it is usually done by an authority figure teacher, parent ect. Parents and teachers would not be immune from nuro- linguistic auto correct some would simply perceive the name as Bearenstein and teach it as such.

The Parents who did not fall into this nuro-linguistic trap were left with the difficulty of pronouncing Bearenstain taking into account the minds abilty to jumble letter it is easy to understand Bearenstain as an alternate spelling of Bernstien or Bearenstein. A parent or teacher would not pronounce the name Stain. We all know what a stain is and calling someone named Goldstein GoldstAIn would be offensive. There would be nothing worse than little jimmy going down to the sandlot and calling little Jacob a Jew stain. Parents and teachers pronouncing the name Bear-en-STAIN is an impossibility.
There may have been clever parents that pronounced the name correctly STEEN but this in a child mind this is going to sound a lot closer to stein than stain and the affect would be the same. The child hears the stein StEEn pronunciation from an authority figure and accepts it as correct. A child or adult for that matter does not really read the entire word Bearenstain he simply accepts that arrangement of characters as the word pronounced Bear-en-stEEn.

If the spelling were really Bearenstain wouldn’t there be Stain jokes associated the Bearenstain Bears? The Simpsons parody the Berrystained Bears is just such a joke. The Simpson’s website makes the misspelling Bearenstein when attributing the parody but this doesn’t prove anything. Either the authors of the site made the same mistake that countless other people have made in spelling or perceiving the word Bearenstain, or as I belive they were aware of the Nuro-linguistic glitch and were making a clever joke about it. The credit is misspelled, but in the way that most people perceive it to be spelled and the Parody is more or less spelled correctly and is an anti-Semitic zinger. How would Matt Groning come up with the Berrystained Bears if the book was spelled Bearenstein.

Don’t believe everything you think.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to add a bit, just in case somebody hasn't had the same experience already. I was born in 2000. I learned about the Berenstain Bears in probably 2008 or so, and have always thought it was Berenstein. Or at least I think I did. At this point, I don't know anymore. But I'm fairly sure I read Berenstein. But, that year was the one that I learned to write in cursive. I'm almost sure I confused the a for an e.

But my whole point is that, even in 2008, I had the same experience as many of you.

Jessica Cakuls said...

100% it was the BerenSTEIN Bears. A) because with almost 0.7% room for error, my memory as a child is flawless, and these were some of my favorite books and there is no emotional nor psychological reason for my mind to continuously incorrectly view *only* this book series’ spelling incorrectly? Like why weren’t the Sweet Valley Twins, or the Babysitter’s Club books suddenly known to have been massively incorrect in some aspect 20 years after their phase of popularity? Why wouldn’t we all be deeply shocked and surprised over various errors in memory, right? Also - and this is deeply telling - does *anyone* remember a librarian correcting you on the pronunciation of their name?? No :) No one has this memory because we all said it correctly because it was absolutely Berenstein not Berenstain. If all of us who had been saying “Hey can I have that Beren•STEEN• Bears book over there” and had been corrected time ... and time... and time again by a parent librarian or even fellow schoolmate who was looking at a Beren•STAIN• spelling, • we would have that memory •. And we don’t. Because everyone around us was seeing the same correct spelling of Berenstein, and yes, some deep cosmological or other type of f**kery is at play, even if the author’s last name was actually Berenstain all these years: doesn’t matter. We know what we saw as kids. We would have been corrected and would remember having been corrected if reality had been different from our memory. It wasn’t. I/We win. The end. Bring Stein back.

Meggie B said...

We all called the books "the BerenSTEEN Bears", and I also had a VHS tape of a Christmas cartoon starring them. There was a preview before the main cartoon for another Berenstain Bears cartoon and I KNOW they spoke, out loud, the word "BerenSTEEN". I KNOW. I was totally that kid who would have called it out if not, like the annoying little smart ass I was back then.

amonmous said...

I want to leave a thing here. I am more observant than most. I remember distinctly when I was 12 in 2002 I looked at the book and the spelling and it had changed from EI to AI I was very baffled by it and I couldn't figure out how the book could have switched letters! impossible! I saw a YouTube video where a guy tracks the change back o august 2001. Before that it was berenstein. Obviously quantum physics plays a part here but something dramatic must have occurred august 2001 any clues

Unknown said...

Hi I am an intelligent human being with what I believe to be a very good memory of my childhood.I remember(rightly or wrongly) that Barenstein Bears was a favourite of mine in my youth.Note the spelling.I had never heard of the Mandela effect.I lived in South Africa from 1971 to 1986 went to school at Durban High School and vividly remember discussing the Death of Nelson Mandela.I also remember the World Wide News coverage and the subsequent riots in Durban where a school friend was killed in the violence.I went to his funeral.Now I am one of those people who knows that this event took place.It happened soyes I was confused to hearof Mandelas resurrection and that of David Soul(who committed suicide) I am of sound mind.The factual evidence is overwhelming.My memories of events are different from the history books.Something has changed and thats probably why I feel at moments that this world has gone stir crazy.Our memories cannot be unwritten and whatever the reasons good or bad why this is happening it is still a Fact tome not an opinion.This world is very different from our original and subtle changes are there for all to see if you look deep and long enough.I will not be swayed by someone saying my memory is faulty or I am going senile.These events did happen .I lived them and now they are different.Period.The moon is off center by 38 degrees..I know this is not my earth and I guess that makes me an alien to my own world.Disclaimer.These thoughts are my own.

Unknown said...

anonomous.We all know we cannot all be wrong or lived the same version of events.The odds are simply non existant of that being the truth..Strange that you mention 2001 as the start of the changes because thats when CERN March 2001 had its first super collider collision trial.Evidence is emerging of strange events connected to CERN worldwide.Reports of aircraft moving 5000 miles from its original flightpath in a second.Reports of strange clouds over CERN.Demonic videos.Celebs and Royals seemingly not growing old or dying...The rise of strange leftist opinionated driven people who are despotic in their views.The rise of acceptable ideas of children as young as 5 changing their sex of gender neutral toilets of the repealing of free speech which is now a crime because someone objects to words that were not intended to be read by the those that are objecting.Rio has always been the capital of Brazil.The current Russian Flag is wrong.The rise of Islam across the world.One event stands out inmy mind more than others and it is that if there are those like us who remember a different history ....then it is a given that there are those that are also out of phase with their own reality which is different to our own.Whatever is happening its accelerating and shows no sign of slowing down.We have a sphere of influence and as such must live our lives accordingly.We cant change the past but we can influence the future.Thoughts please.....

Unknown said...

Truth it seems is in the eyes and memories of everyone.One thing is certain though.We cannot ALL be wrong or right.The fact that complete strangers are confirming others memories is compelling evidence that an event is happening.Time is moving faster here.There are 2 suns.The sun is now a white star instead of yellow.The moon is offcenter by 38 degrees.The continents are in the wrong place.The spelling of words and use of apostrophes is wrong. EG Dilemna.People still alive when we remember them dying years before.Song word changes that are iconic.Food and car products that are wrong.Evidence still is available showing the truth.The Pyramids at Giza are wrong.The large pyramid was in the center with part of its capstone missing.The Sphinxwas being repaired and is now in the wrong place and looksdifferent.Tutankamons mask is wrong...The list is endless.Films showing 2 suns in the sky from 1976 to 2010.Anyone saying that there are 2 suns inthesky are fromthis reality.For me its about the balance of probabilities and I therefore conclude this is not my earth

Anonymous said...

It is "Berenstein." By the same principle that, if a branch is trimmed from the main trunk of a tree, the limb's still there energetically, or in potential (seed) form. Who, or what-ever...thinking that it could hijack or "arbitararily deceive" an aware public isn't real. That reminds me of the insane [and pathetic, I add (!)] 'witch-hunts' that raged on in some suburban areas in the years & months preceding 9/11.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile I feel like I'm the only one who actually does remember BerenstAin. My sister and I used to watch the Berenstain Bears every day after school in what had to have been 2nd or 3rd grade for me. That would have been 2006-2007. Maybe I'm too young to remember the shift from BerenstEin to BerenstAin if it did occur in the 90's, but I'd definitely remember something like that. For now it has always been and always will be BerenstAin.

Anonymous said...

I was born in 94 and have distinct memories of not knowing whether to pronounce it as "steen" or "stein." One thing to add: most, if not all of my exposure to the Bears was through the cartoons and not the books.

INDUCE said...

I also had the Berenstein books as a child. I remember vividly because I has written it with an A and I had to erase and correct it with an E. Every time after that if I saw some one misspell it I made sure to correct them. It was until yesterday that I even thought about them again until yesterday I pulled out the book. "Trouble with Commercials" because we are about were talking about different types of media with the kids. Just... WOW.

Anonymous said...

I remember Stein. I also remember when I was 9that John Delorean actually smuggled cocaine inside his shipped cars but I just saw a documentary that didn't show that at all.

EarthquakeESPVisionary said...

I remember waking up to a dream about time paradoxes and saw the Berenstein books flash in my head, then again a few moments later in my dream with the second spelling. It gave me goose bumps, because that was the morning I woke up to the news if the major earthquake in Japan which caused the explosion in the nuclear energy facility there, and which caused the earth's position on its axis to change. I swear this us the day it happened.

Anonymous said...

In the prime universe, the correct spelling is "Bearenstein," although the author is still "Berenstein."

Anonymous said...

It was always. Unequivocally. STEIN.
when I stumbled on to this years ago I called my mother who read those books to me nightly my entire childhood. I grew up with those bears. Without explaining why I was so perturbed I insisted she go fetch one of those books from the storage room. As she is looking for them I ask her the spelling, confused she says Berenstein silly, why.? When she found the books she spelled the name out to me. They were all spelled Berenstein. As they always have been.
Confused by my behavior I had her send me a copy here to Hawai’i from Cleveland where I grew up.
The spelling is Berenstain.
And the shock of how utterly bizarre it all is still keeps me up at night.
Reality is an illusion. In a house of shattered mirrors.

Reece said...

I recently had to clear out my parents' storage unit and go through the old boxes. I finally found the children's book box, and the Berenst#in Bears books all said "BerenstAin".

Anonymous said...

That youtube link no liner is available.... hmm

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